Welcome To Dearest Fannie

A business built on the question: why can't sustainability be fashion? 

Our Story 

Two sisters who share sustainable values created the brand on the notion that sustainable alternatives can be fashionable. Dearest Fannie provides products that offer reusable alternatives to our everyday objects without damaging the planet. 

Our journey began at vegan fairs, selling our products and meeting new people. We slowly grew to a predominantly online business and are now stocked in seven countries. 

 Eco Friendly Products Eco Friendly Products Eco Friendly Products Eco Friendly Products

We are proud to say that our customers share the same vision as us- as a community we will reach our goals together. We know that there are so many like-minded readers out there who we have yet to meet and so this first blog post is an introduction to you. Whether you’re already part of our wonderful community or you’ve just joined us, we look forward to keeping you updated on all our exciting upcoming projects!

Who are we 

Dearest Fannie doesn’t believe that consumers should have to make a sacrifice in order to purchase sustainably. Our products provide our customers with durable and sustainable alternatives that don’t harm our planet and often save you money too! The best part of all this? Our products are still fashionable and beautiful.

Eco Friendly Products


Eco Friendly Products


Eco Friendly Products


The Dearest Fannie blog aims to grow our community with exciting educational content, upcoming product releases and tips and tricks for how your daily habits can be adjusted to becoming more environmentally friendly. We will be posting every Thursday and we can't wait for you to read the exciting content we’ll be sharing with you. In the meantime follow us on Instagram for frequent content.

If you’re ready to kickstart your sustainable journey, click this link to our sales page where you can begin swapping out unethical products for our eco alternatives!

We want to know what your best tips are for how you change a daily habit into a more sustainable alternative. Comment below!

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